By An Edible Mosaic
Prep Time: 18 min
Cook Time: 20 Min
Pro tip
Add the butter, brown sugar, egg, and vanilla to a large bowl, and stir to combine.
Add the flour, black cocoa powder, baking powder, salt, and instant espresso powder to the butter mixture. Stir or beat until combined (the dough will be thick).
Use a 1.5-tablespoon scoop to measure out the dough. Arrange the dough balls on 2 large baking trays. Bake until the cookies are set and golden on the bottom, about 11 to 13 minutes. Cool.
Melt the marshmallows; cool just until it’s not too hot to handle. Grease your hands, grab a small piece of marshmallow, stretch it out into strands, and wrap the strands around each cookie.
Top with black sprinkles.