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You’re probably wondering who Elizabeth is…she’s my mom! :) She makes the best squash soup I’ve ever had (including any that I’ve ever eaten at a restaurant). Her recipe has the perfect touch of sweetness, and all the warm spices really highlight the earthiness of the squash.
My mom was actually on the local news because of this recipe! Last October my mom, my sis, and I were at a local farmer’s market picking up the ingredients for this soup. A local camera crew was there filming what they called “one of the last nice weekends of the season” (sounds crazy, I know, but we live in upstate New York and come October it’s hit or miss as far as the weather goes). An anchorman told us that they were filming families at the farmer’s market and he asked us what we were shopping for…my mom told him about her soup, and there was a small clip of her picking out squash on the news!
I want to share a few fabulous giveaways that are going on right now…Karyn of French Charming is currently hosting two lovely giveaways (see here and here), and Marla of Family Fresh Cooking is also hosting a wonderful giveaway (see here). Be sure to check them both out!
Elizabeth’s Three Squash Soup
(Yield: 1 1/2 to 2 gallons)
1 medium butternut squash
1 large buttercup squash
1 large acorn squash
1 (16 oz) can pumpkin
2 quarts low sodium vegetable broth
1 tsp ground ginger
1 tsp ground cloves
1 tsp nutmeg
1 tsp cinnamon
2 tsp salt
1/4 c pure maple syrup
1 stick butter, melted
1/2 pint (1 c) heavy cream
6-8 c water (add to reach your desired thickness)
Preheat oven to 400F. Use a sharp knife to slice several air vents in the squashes, and roast them until very soft (about 60-90 minutes). Once cool, peel and de-seed the squashes, then puree in a blender or food processor until smooth. Add all remaining ingredients, heat on medium to medium-high heat to just under boiling point, stirring frequently.
Serving Suggestions: This soup makes a beautiful first course, or paired with a salad or a sandwich (such as turkey melts), it makes a wonderful meal.
Garnish Suggestions: Roasted squash seeds, a swirl of cream, chopped fresh herbs, etc.
I’m sending this soup to Souper (Soup, Salad & Sammies) Sundays at Kahakai Kitchen.

I’m the writer, recipe developer, photographer, and food stylist behind this blog. I love finding the human connection through something we all do every day: eat! Food is a common ground that we can all relate to, and our tables tell a story. It’s my goal to inspire you to get in the kitchen, try something new, and find a favorite you didn’t know you had.
Free Bonus
Love, love, love this recipe! Cooking the squashes whole, then peeling off the skin is so much easier than cutting off the skin ahead of time, as many other recipes direct one to do.
The only thing I didn’t like was that the soup turned from orange to a sickly green color. Is there any way to remedy that?
Kim, Thank you so much for your kind comment, I’m so happy you’re enjoying this recipe!
Hmm, that is very interesting! I’ve never had this soup turn green, and I’ve never heard of that happening before! I Googled it, and I found an interesting article where the writer talks about how she had a fully ripe orange pumpkin turn green (here’s the article if you’re interested: Maybe it was a fluke based on the squash? Sorry I couldn’t be of more help with this!
Technically it’s a four squash soup, pumpkin is also a squash. Love the blend of spices, sounds great. I would definitely do something very decorative with the cream garnish to serve, a toothpick can be used very easily to make pretty intricate designs. Great to treat family and friends to a fine dining level experience.
Lola, You’re right, it’s a 4-squash soup; my mom calls it 3-squash because she uses 3 whole squashes and 1 can of pumpkin. :)
Her blend of spices is absolutely perfect, and I can’t wait until autumn to make it again. A toothpick can definitely be used to make fancy designs with the cream. We’ve done that before, but our favorite way to enjoy it is just to swirl in a bit of cream at the end…it’s rustic and perfect comfort food!
It is such a gorgeous soup and it sounds absolutely delicious! Thanks for sending it along to Souper Sundays.
This is such a pretty soup! I love the maple syrup added in!
I will have to try this famous soup! The spices and maple syrup sound delicious.
Love Love Love the first pic, looks soooo beautiful!!
This does sound like it would be perfect with a turkey & cranberry sammie, YUM!! So fun that your mom made the news for this…what a great story :D
I love that you are using three different types of squash in this soup, so delicious!
I cna see where you got your cooking talent from Faith! :D How generous for the both of you to share the recipe, it looks wonderful and I love the swirling detail! :D
1st of all I love the photo!!We are getting snow this weekend..I cant wait to make your soup!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Awww your mom was on the news….awesome! I was on the news once, but it was only because it was really hot and they asked me how I was “dealing with the heat”….haha. Now onto this soup. The flavors sound amazing. All of those different squashes mixed together has to make the most delectable soup.
I am an “orange” soup fan. I have been playing around with yellow squash, butternut, carrots and sweet potatoes. This is a “must add” for my orange soup list. Thanks, Faith. You make food so appetizing.
What a delicious, simple soup! I bet that would be SO silky going down…
Wow….what a creamy indulgence……
really, i could consume this for dessert and not feel gypped at all–it’s amazing! all those spices and that glorious maple syrup….not to mention the beautifully-added swirls of cream. bravo!
Maple syrup? That sounds delicious! I have to try this. I hope they’ll have squash at the farmers market this Saturday!
That’s so cool your mom cooks like you do! It runs in the family!
this soup is soooo pretty and full of my beloved squashes! :D
I made a squash soup not so long ago and it wasn’t super fantastic but I knew that it had potential to be. This soup on the other hand seems like everything that soup was supposed to be…can’t wait to try it.
I love squash and this sound like such a delicious recipe.
It sounds like a very wonderful soup with nice spices :)
wow that makes A LOT OF SOUP!!! at first i was like, “WOAH a lot of butter” but then realized how much soup it made (ie: a lot :) ). i’d have to 1/4 the recipe . . . but it looks delicious!
Sorry…got carried away with the love and hugs! lol
Thank you sweet friend for mentioning my giveaways! I was just going to email you to let you know that you are the winner of my Anniversary Marilyn Monroe Tote Bag! Congratulations Sweet Friend!
Well, I see that this talent runs in the family! I can’t wait to give this a try and I will definitely print this and add it to my growing collection of Food 4 Thought Recipes!
Love and hugs,
Love and hugs,
Karyn, You’re so sweet! Wow, I can’t believe I won!!! Thank you so much…I’m so excited! :)