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Mike and I recently went to New York City and I wanted to share a few pictures we took around town.  Hope you enjoy them!

Faith, author of An Edible Mosaic.
About Faith

I’m the writer, recipe developer, photographer, and food stylist behind this blog. I love finding the human connection through something we all do every day: eat! Food is a common ground that we can all relate to, and our tables tell a story. It’s my goal to inspire you to get in the kitchen, try something new, and find a favorite you didn’t know you had.

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  1. I remember the last post you did on NYC. I also recalled how special this place is to you…glad you had a chance to enjoy it again with your love ;o)

    The captures are breathtaking Faith.

    Ciao for now,

  2. You’ve got an awesome eye for photography Faith, these photos of NY are amazing. There is nothing like this great big bold city is there, I can’t wait to get back one day. New York makes every other city seem like a little country town, the pace is fabulous.

  3. Great NYC photos!! Looks like you guys had a great time there (would be hard not to… it IS NYC after all, hehe).

  4. I have always wanted to go to NYC. Maybe some day. Your pictures are incredible!!! I love the ones taken in the evening.

  5. I love when you post photos like this! Some of these pics remind me of downtown Toronto, but on a much larger scale!

  6. Awesome pics, Faith! I love the crazy assortment of architecture from so many different time periods. Looks like a fun trip!

  7. Ahh, makes me long for a return trip since I haven’t been there in two years. The circular building at the top — isn’t that where Auerole restaurant is located? I vaguely remember it being in a place like that. ;)

  8. As with so many NYC has a v v v special place in my heart too and i am truly thrilled to be taking this little tour thru the city with u and thru ur eyes today , its wonderfully delightful!!!
    Thannxx a bunch for sharing and looking forward to ”going” with u again!
    Happy week my fren!

  9. I absolutely love these, Faith. :-) How fun to tour NYC with you – the colors and buildings and “feel” of the place are so lovely. :-)

  10. Stunning photos… I see the city so often, but never in such a beautiful light. Thank you for bringing that elegance back to it. :)

  11. what stunning pics faith! love it and thank you for sharing :)

  12. Great shots of a great city! I especially like the evening photos.

  13. Really beautiful! Thank you very much Faith for sharing these amazing pics!

  14. Beautiful pictures, Faith! I especially like the night shots. I’ve heard so many great things about NYC. Thanks for sharing these beautiful photos with us

  15. I have not been back to NYC in a few years now & your photos make me miss it so! Love the skyline at nighttime. Thanks for sharing your fun trip with us :)

  16. I never thought NYC was gorgeous until today. And I can’t believe you caught all that in a single day! Gorgeous, gorgeous shots. You could be a photographer, woman! Great job.

    1. Veronica, Lol, thanks! I have to say though, we were there for about a week — I don’t think it would possible to get all those shots in one day! (That amount of walking in one day would be insane!) :)

  17. Faith,these pictures are great. I loved my time in NYC when I was there last year.

  18. Those photos are absolutely gorgeous! New York certainly didn’t look like THAT when I visited! Great job ;)

  19. Gorgeous, gorgeous photos! My husband and I went to NYC last year and saw very same sights, except your photos are exceptional! Did you pick up anything @ Tiffany’s?? hehe

  20. Gorgeous pictures! Especially the night time ones. Thanks for sharing Faith!

  21. Ahh! You were in my ‘hood! Where else did you visit?

  22. You came to NYC and didn’t call me….sigh. However, it looks like you had a great time!

  23. I have exactly the same picture of Grand Central & the NYC skyline.The city is so much fun.Your pictures are GORGEOUS! I went in Nov last year.Thanks for reviving all those memories :)

  24. Lovely photos! I’ve never been to NYC but I sure hope to one day!

  25. NYC is one place in the US I am itching to visit! If not for the amazing photo opps (gorgeous, by the way!), then OBVIOUSLY for the food!!!

  26. The Brooklyn Bridge–a work of art!
    Born in NY, these give me pangs to see. I know most of the places depicted and I don’t get to visit often. I especially liked your shots of the lit-up skyline, at dusk, and the bridges at dark, like sparkling necklaces.

  27. Heavenly Housewife says:

    Oh how I love NYC. These beautiful photos make me want to book a ticket over.
    *kisses* HH

  28. I love all of your pictures…. it looks like you got to see and do so much while you were here!

  29. Hi Faith – your pictures made my morning. I love NY.
    Great perspective in your photos! Wow!

  30. Gorgeous photos, Faith! You have a really great photographic eye! More importantly–what great places did you eat? :)

  31. Those are gorgeous! I loved taking pictures the day I was in NYC – I’d love to go back and wander around some more, camera in hand!

  32. Lovely pics of NYC… I could never understand about having a river view in MAnhattan… looking to Brooklyn and Queens… the best views are looking AT MAnhattan! Bridges ad buildings… nice eye for them., Faith!

  33. A beautiful and photogenic city! Your clicks are gorgeous. Thanks for sharing!



  34. These are some awesome pics of my city! I wish I had known you were here! I would have run to wherever you were and given you a BIG hug!

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