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Roasted Garlic Salad Dressing

Ladies, for those of you who cook for picky kids or hubbies, you will appreciate this.

I wanted to make this dressing, thinking that my hubby would love it if he would only give it a try. (Kind-of like how he went crazy for my Broccoli-Cheddar Bites, which are basically Arancini, after I told him they were “Sicilian falafel”. I know I’m not the only one to tell a little fib when trying to coax a picky eater into trying something new, right?)

Mike adores homemade mayo…I mean seriously adores it, the way I heart ketchup. He’ll ask for homemade shawarma (spiced Middle Eastern chicken wraps) if he’s dying for mayo just to have an excuse to eat the mayo, lol.Roasted Garlic Salad Dressing 2

This dressing is amazing on Cobb salads.

Since this dressing is thick and creamy, I thought I could win him over with a homemade mayo trick…I asked him to try a “new mayo” I made, and he happily obliged. Then after taking a small taste he made a face of disgust and shouted, That’s NOT mayo…it just tastes like olive oil, vinegar, and garlic!

Roasted Garlic Salad Dressing 3At that point I had to laugh out loud because that’s exactly what this dressing is. Then for added drama he doubled over, held his stomach, and said, I think I’m going to be sick. Lol…he wasn’t. He gave me a pretty good laugh though, which seemed to fuel his “stomachache”.

I tasted the dressing and could barely stop myself from eating the entire batch with a spoon (I think it’s a roasted garlic thing for me). If you’re a fan of roasted garlic in all its gloriously caramelized, nutty, mellow flavor, you will love this dressing. If there was a way I could drink this for breakfast without people thinking I had totally lost it, I think I would do so.

Roasted Garlic Salad Dressing 4

Roasted Garlic Salad Dressing
Prep time: 
Total time: 
Yield: About 1¼ cups/300 ml of dressing
  • ⅓ cup Roasted Garlic Spread
  • 6 tablespoons (90 ml) water
  • ¼ cup (60 ml) olive oil
  • ¼ cup (60 ml) apple cider vinegar
  • 1 tablespoon honey
  • ½ teaspoon sea salt
  1. Combine all ingredients in a food processor or blender and process until smooth.
  2. Store in an airtight container in the fridge for up to 1 week.
Faith, author of An Edible Mosaic.
About Faith

I’m the writer, recipe developer, photographer, and food stylist behind this blog. I love finding the human connection through something we all do every day: eat! Food is a common ground that we can all relate to, and our tables tell a story. It’s my goal to inspire you to get in the kitchen, try something new, and find a favorite you didn’t know you had.

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  1. This looks and sounds great! What would be the best no sugar substitute for the honey be? I’m a diabetic and try to stay away from sugar. I actually found your recipe by following a link for your garlic spread from a diabetic article.
    Thanks :)

    1. Kathy, Thank you very much! :) To replace the honey, you could go with 7 drops of liquid stevia or 2 tablespoons of allulose/monk fruit blend. (Or go with 1 tablespoon allulose/monk fruit blend + 4 drops liquid stevia.)

  2. I found this through the yummly website, which lists it as having 550 calories. That seems like a lot for a salad dressing. Can you please tell me what the quantity is for one serving at 550 calories? Like 2 tablespoons, or half a cup?!?

    1. Marsha, Yes, that is a lot – I’m thinking that’s probably the calories in the entire recipe! :)

      I didn’t calculate the nutrition info for this recipe, but if you want to do so, there are a few helpful tools out there, like this one on VeryWellFit. I hope this helps!

  3. I am about to try this. It looks so delicious and we all know there is no such thing as “too much garlic”. :)

    1. Rose, Thanks for your comment! I’ve never tried canning this dressing and I don’t know enough about canning to speculate without trying it first. If you try canning it, please let me know how it goes!

  4. Guys are sooooo dramatic! I told my husband we’re going meatless one day out of the week and he asked if I was trying to kill him. No, just the opposite! So glad I have everything on hand, headed to whip this up now to put on something for my meatless Monday dinner!

  5. I love garlic, especially when you roasted. Adding apple cider vinegar was very clever.

  6. Fabulous and ever so flavorful!



  7. hahaha. Love it. Oh I definitely trick Josh into eating various foods. He used to hate jalapenos and avocado and now loves both :). I love roasted garlic too. Amazing flavor. Will have to give this a go!

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